over 99% of doctors have already been vaccinated against covid-19.
find out why.

Dr. Candace Bradshaw
Family Physician and Past President for Doctors Manitoba
“As a physician, I’m confident all the vaccines authorized in Canada are safe and effective. I personally received the Pfizer vaccine and my husband got AstraZeneca. My 20-year old daughter received Moderna and my 17-year old son got Pfizer.”
Learn more about vaccine effectiveness.

Dr. Jared Bullard
Section Head for Pediatric Infectious Disease and Associate Medical Director at Cadham Provincial Lab
“As a physician, I specialize in pediatric infectious diseases and public health virology and I want to ensure my patients and their families are protected. As a dad, I want to ensure my 14-year old daughter, Taya, knows the benefit of vaccination and is protected. She booked her vaccine appointment as soon as she was eligible.”
Learn more about why youth should get vaccinated when they are eligible.

Dr. Kristjan Thompson
Emergency Physician and former President of Doctors Manitoba
“I got the vaccine to protect me and my patients. Even though COVID-19 is new, I’m confident the vaccines are safe for use now and in the long term. The vaccine technology has years of extensive research behind it, and Canada has a very rigorous vaccine safety monitoring system in place.”
Learn more about the long term safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr. Don Klassen
Family Physician at C.W. Wiebe Medical Centre in Winkler
“My entire family and I were vaccinated because we trust the vaccines were developed, tested and reviewed with safety as the top concern. It’s true that the COVID-19 vaccines were developed faster than any other vaccine in history, but that is because of unprecedented global cooperation. No safety steps were skipped, and I am confident that the vaccines are safe and effective.”
Learn more about how the vaccines were developed both quickly and safely.

Dr. Amila Heendeniya
Infectious Disease Specialist at HSC, Grace and St. Boniface Hospitals in Winnipeg
“I am confident the vaccines protect us against COVID-19, including the new variants of concern circulating in Manitoba. As an infectious disease specialist, I am watching the new variants very closely. They can be more transmissible and more dangerous. Luckily, the vaccines authorized in Canada are proving to be very effective against these variants.”
Learn more about how effective the vaccines are against new variants like Delta.

Dr. Joss Reimer
Chief Medical Officer, WRHA
“I chose to be vaccinated because it’s the best way to protect me and those around me against COVID-19. I am confident the vaccines authorized in Canada are safe. In fact, we know more about the safety of vaccines than we do about any other medical intervention, including medications, surgeries and other treatments.”
Learn more about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.
It’s natural to have questions.
COVID-19 is a new disease and these vaccines are new too. Having questions or concerns is not uncommon, and doctors are here to help.
There is a lot of information circulating about the vaccines, and some of it can be outdated, misleading, or incorrect. You can trust a physician to answer your questions and share the facts about the vaccines.
COVID-19 is a serious disease
COVID-19 can be serious, even for younger and healthy people. The vaccine offers protection against serious illness and death.
Extensive research and testing
Unprecedented collaboration allowed vaccines to be developed quickly, but they still had full clinical trials to prove their safety and effectiveness.
The vaccines are very effective
The vaccines are very effective — over 90% — especially at preventing illness, hospitalization and death.
The vaccines are very safe
Safety was demonstrated in large clinical trials, and there’s even more evidence now with nearly four billion doses administered worldwide.
The vaccine is free
Like most other vaccines in Manitoba, there is no charge to get a COVID-19 vaccine, and lots of locations to get one.
Get back to normal
Getting fully vaccinated helps us all get back to a more normal way of life. Fewer restrictions, more family and friends.
According to a survey of all physicians conducted by Doctors Manitoba, 99.23% of the 529 respondents indicated they had already been vaccinated against COVID-19 at the time the survey was conducted, between June 7 to June 11, 2021.
Ready to get your vaccine?